The folding graph visualizations

A folding graph is a connected component of a protein graph. Here you can search for all visualizations of the different folding graph types of a protein chain. For each of the folding graph types (e.g., the alpha graph, which only considers alpha helices), there are four different visualizations available:

  • the ADJ notation: all SSEs of the protein graph are shown, order is from N-terminus (left) to C-terminus, and each edge represents a 3D contact between a pair of SSEs.
  • the RED notation: only SSEs of the folding graph are shown, order is from N-terminus (left) to C-terminus, and each edge represents a 3D contact between a pair of SSEs.
  • the SEQ notation: all SSEs of the protein graph are shown, order is from N-terminus (left) to C-terminus, and each edge represents the sequential order in the folding graph.
  • the KEY notation: only SSEs of the folding graph are shown, order is spatial, and edges follow the SSEs in sequence order (N to C terminus). Note that it is not possible to define a spatial ordering for bifurcated graphs, so such graphs do not have a KEY notation.
Select the chain, folding graph type and visualization you are interested in below. You will then be able to browse all folding graphs of the selected protein graph in the respective visualization.

Search Results

The adj beta folding graphs of PDB 1wlx chain A
FG# Fold name # SSEs SSE string (N to C) First vertex # in parent PG Notation adj Image available Linnot overview page

No Folding graph images found for your query

Sorry, your query returned no results. (There are 7721009 folding graphs in the database.)