Current holdings

This page gives statistics on the current holdings of this database. The last update was done in March 2020. The data were created by PTGLgraphComputation version 3.0.0.

151837 PDB files

921 Large structures (>62 chain or >99,999 atoms) of them

505337 Protein chains

9003153 Secondary structure elements (SSEs)

10504673 3D contacts between SSEs of the same chain

Graph type Number of graphs Graphs containing beta-barrels Number of SSEs in graphs
Alpha 478477 0 4193575
Beta 478477 14904 3833407
Alpha-Beta 478477 14903 8026982
Alphalig 478477 0 5169746
Betalig 478477 14904 4809578
Alpha-Betalig 478477 14903 9003153

Number of SSEs in graphs

Number of SSEs by type

Number of contacts by type