PTGL, PTGLtools (formerly labeled VPLG), the API and the database schema were written/designed by Tim Schäfer. The web frontend was written by Daniel Bruneß, Andreas Scheck and Tim Schäfer. Markus Kessler worked on the complex graph code. Tatiana Bakirova, Ben Haladik and Tim Schäfer worked on graphlet code. Jan Niclas Wolf implemented a parser of mmCIF files, Max Schmitt reworked the motif search, Selina Post adapted his method for a generalized structure search and Katja Korolew designed and started programming on RNA inclusion. Since 2018 the maintenance of PTGL is done by Jan Niclas Wolf.
Calculations on the Odysseus Cluster of the Goethe University - funded
by the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) and OCCB (Organic Chemistry
and Chemical Biology) - were conducted for this research.